Construction of Our Hilo House - Page 3

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This is the "mauka" view (toward the mountain) of our street. The house is to the left. It's a fairly new development, and as you can see it's not very densely populated yet. We'll have no one living on either side of us for a little while. And the land behind us is conservation land owned by the county, so we're hoping it remains unsold for a while. The shoulders of the road are quite wide and have a slight dip to allow for adequate rain control (this area gets about 140" of rain per year, so it is needed).
This is the "makai" view (toward the ocean). The Pacific is about three miles away, and if we were up a little higher we would be able to see it. From the second floor of our house, if we stand on tiptoe and look through the trees, we can catch a glimpse of it. That doesn't exactly qualify as oceanfront property, however. If you travel a short distance down the road, it begins to slope, and you really can see the ocean quite well. The drive into Hilo is wonderful. You get terrific views of Hilo Bay, and you can sometimes see the big cruise ships moored in the harbor. If you're really lucky, during the winter you can see the spouts of the Humpback Whales that migrate through these waters.
   By this time, our builder Jerry Craven had been hoping to begin putting the roof trusses on. However, a mix-up occurred with the supplier and we were facing at least a one week delay. Rather than just wait around, he decided this would be a good time to start installing windows and putting on the siding. This is the front. It's a little easier to see the lanai off the master bedroom, located above the garage. We should have a pretty good view of Mauna Kea from there.
  This looks straight on at the back of the house. The rear lanai is coming along nicely. Both the lanai and the patio below will have ample shelter from the rain, and we should be able to sit out there during all the but the windiest rain storms. I used to barbeque twelve months out of the year anyway; now, I'll be more comfortable doing it back here. On the sides of the house we'll just leave the concrete walkway alone. Back here, we plan to have non-slip, outdoor tiles.

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